For Immediate Release: Oct. 9, 2013
Contact info: Thea Deley
(970) 260-7292
thea [at] jesuslovesyoushow [dot] com
Still trying to recover from your religious upbringing? You are not alone! Hear one woman’s hilarious story and meet others on the same journey during the show, “Jesus Loves You! (but hates me)” Nov. 1 and 2 at 7:30 p.m. in Miller Hall of First Baptist Church, 1373 Grant St., Denver.
Hailed as “Paonia’s Queen of Comedy” by the Glenwood Springs Post Independent, Writer/performer Thea Deley weaves together spoof films, live music, game shows, and comedic storytelling to relate how she went from believer to blasphemer. Says playwright Marty Durlin, “Thea Deley has created a brave show—funny, serious and moving. As she indicts the religious right that warped her childhood, she also finds compassion for all concerned. Clever and deeply felt.”
Deley brings to life 10 different characters during her two-act play. Many come directly from her own life, like the Sunday School teacher who warned her not to brush with “Satan’s toothpaste.” Others are people she wishes she had known as a kid, like the pro-sex abstinence teacher “Mrs. F.”
The show features commercials for products like the “No Sin Too Small Stoning Kit.” Audience members can also compete in irreverent games like “Bible Feud” and “Who Wants to Be a Virgin.” (It’s amazing what even demure people will do to win back their virginity!)
But it’s not all fun and games. Being threatened with hell and damnation is pretty scary stuff for a kid. “By sharing—and laughing at—my own story,” Deley says, “I replace the fear and superstition of my childhood with my new religion: love and personal responsibility.”
Brian Henderson, minister at First Baptist, says the show is “amazing, provocative, stunning and sharp. Thea’s articulation of what it means to be human and to love couldn’t have come across more clearly.”
Says former Catholic Mary Lee Hauze, “I loved Thea’s show. I found it really healing. It gave me a new lease on life!” And former Evangelical JoeAlan Meador says, “This is the most important play of my adult life. It made me feel a lot of things, but number one was joy.”
Audience members will have a chance to talk about their own reactions and experiences at a Speakeasy session immediately following the performance. Light refreshments will be available, and facilitators will help small groups feedback what they have in common—or differently—with Thea’s story.
Henderson says Thea’s experience is all too common. “I am committed to breaking down barriers and changing stereotypes for the church. Many will be amazed to see a Baptist church as a venue for this show.” The speakeasy format makes it the evening truly interactive, he says.
“Thea says she went from believer to blasphemer. And she is going beyond that label to find a deeper spirituality,” Henderson observes.
Advance tickets are $15 general/$10 student, and $18 general/$13 at the door. Doors open at 7 p.m.; show at 7:30 p.m; speakeasy at 9:30 pm. Rated R. Tickets and show trailer at
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Thea’s Q&A with Westword:
Tickets Page:
Big Story Pitch:
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